AMIRES and CSEM gladly organised the 3rd Regenerative Medicine workshop
On 1st June, 2023, in the frame of the OrganTrans EU-funded project, bringing together researchers, SMEs and clinicians in the field, who exchange their perspectives regarding the opportunities and challenges in Regenerative Medicine. The speakers had the opportunity to network a day before during the dinner and enjoy an excellent traditional venue at Café Imperial.
Structured around a keynote lecture, and sessions focusing on clinical needs, and enabling technologies presentations, the workshop was the perfect opportunity to exchange on future technology solutions, network, and start new collaborations with information about enabling the funding of the research in this field.
During the keynote speech, renowned clinician and researcher Prof. Jan Belohlavek from the General University Hospital in Prague, explained the current status in the clinics and research of refractory Cardiac Arrest, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR), reperfusion (ECMO), microcirculation, and different ECMO settings. He enlightened the audience with a summary of the opportunities of new methods that may help patients to survive prolonged cardiac arrest and how more research is needed for the complete regeneration of essential organs, such as the heart.
Four EU-funded projects (AMELIE, PREMSTEM, JOINTPromise and Organtrans) were represented at the event. All of them are funded by the European Union under the same Horizon2020 topic call titled SC1-BHC-07-2019 – Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications. The workshop provided an invaluable platform for representatives from these projects, to interact, network, and exchange their experiences and challenges faced in their respective fields of research. Representatives presented how the research and development process for complex solutions on RegMed which have potential to reach the clinics for diverse diseases and conditions, e.g. muscle, bone, liver, brain. All these solutions require work, time and funds to provide evidence of their effectiveness, from the proof of concept through preclinical studies and clinical trials.
The next block of the event consisted of three presentations on different aspects of clinical needs in Regenerative Medicine, starting with the Czech company, BIOINOVA who is involved in clinical trials for the validation of their cell therapy products. Daniel Scherman, founder of the “Paris Centre of Pharmaceutical Research” at the Paris Pharmacy Faculty in France , presented the potentials of molecular methodologies for cell engineering and provide alternatives to cell therapies modifications using non-viral methods but plasmid-based modifications. SME Betthera presented how it is essential to consider health economics and regulatory aspects from the early stages of development of Regenerative Medicine solutions, and how they could help if they are medical devices, new therapies or ATMPs (Advanced therapy medicinal products).
Lastly, three SMEs and one research centre, HEALIVA, PHOSPRINT, CELLAION and CSEM, presented us their groundbreaking work on the field as technology enablers. From cell therapies for wound healing, to laser bioprinting, liver therapy solutions, lab automation and AI, biomonitoring and technology transfer to industry.
The Q&A session and the networking breaks allowed a fruitful exchange between the speakers and the audience, as a result of the diverse points of views of the participants, positioned in different places of the value chain. Thanks to our inspiring speakers for coming to Prague and sharing your thought-provoking presentations, which facilitated insightful discussions! We also thank our wonderful audience for your engagement with the speakers on this challenging field.
We were glad to see so much interaction during the coffee breaks and hope that the event will inspire new collaborations and partnerships!
Read the final report here.