An exhaustive review on 3D liver cell models – ORGANTRANS technology is also there
Nowadays, nanobiomaterials are extremely beneficial in many applications in health and medicine. Whilst nanobiomaterials offer various exciting new opportunities, their translation to the wider application in clinics is still slow. In this context, the review published in Drug Delivery and Translational Research Journal by Melissa Anne Tutty, Dania Movia, Adriele Prina-Mello from Trinity Dublin College, Ireland presents the state of the art in the pre-clinical assessment of nanobiomaterials. In addition, this article describes the limitations of the current in vitro and in vivo liver models, and how tissue-mimetic 3D cell culture models can overcome such limitations, assisting in the translation of nanobiomaterials to the clinic.
Our project ORGANTRANS was mentioned in this article, as a bright example of the complex liver model creation enabled by innovative technologies, e.g. biofabrication offered by the bioengineering company REGENHU. ORGANTRANS project consortium, coordinated by the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) and formed by eight partners, two of which are transplantation centers, generates a 3D bioprinting liver tissue platform to potentially replace liver transplantation for patients with end-stage liver failure. ORGANTRANS will cover the complete cycle of development from cell sourcing and tissue bioengineering to clinical trials. Moreover, it is ORGANTRANS’s ambition that this novel technique can not only be applied to hepatic systems but also to other organ systems in regenerative medicine.
Find out more about the review